Useful Links


General links:

  • MOLE: a website for locating and characterizing channels, pores and tunnels in proteins.

  • Packmol: a useful program for preparing condensed phase systems for simulation; e.g. solvated macromolecules.

  • Protein Data Bank: the definitive source for experimentally-determined biomacromolecular structures.

pKa determination (mostly for proteins):

Molecular File Formats

  • MDL MOL Format: a commonly used format for small molecules.

  • Open Babel: a very useful open source program for converting different molecular representations and other miscellaneous tasks.

  • SMILES: a string-based notation for specifying the composition and covalent bond pattern of a molecular system.

  • Tripos MOL2 Format: another commonly used format for small molecules.

Molecular Mechanics

Biomolecular force fields that pDynamo can use:

Biomolecular simulation programs whose files pDynamo can read:

Molecular Visualization

  • Avogadro: an open source visualization program useful for small molecules.

  • EasyHybrid/GTKDynamo: an open source program that interfaces pDynamo and PyMol.

  • PyMol: an open source biomolecular visualization program written in Python.

  • VMD: an open source biomolecular visualization program.

Quantum Chemistry

pDynamo has interfaces to several third party QC programs. These include:

  • DFTB+: an open source semi-empirical density functional theory package.

  • ORCA: a free package with many options.

  • PySCF: an open source package written in Python.

  • QCHEM: a commercial package.

Python Programming

  • bpython: an interface to the Python interpreter which can help explore, learn and use pDynamo.

  • Cython: the language used to interface pDynamo's Python and C code (derived from Pyrex).

  • iPython: another interface to the Python interpreter which can help explore, learn and use pDynamo.

  • NumPy: a package for numerical computing in Python.

  • Python: the language in which most of pDynamo is written.

  • PyYAML and YAML: a markup language which is useful for data archiving but is much less verbose than XML.

  • SciPy: a series of packages for scientific computing.